
Welcome to the Bahamas Film Culture Project (BFCP)

The BFCP was launched in 2020 by Monique Toppin (University of the Bahamas) and Erica Carter (King’s College London). Monique is a specialist in Bahamas cinema and cultural memory. Erica is a film studies academic working on postcolonial film and cinema history.  The BFPC is a joint outreach project designed to connect our research to ongoing work by filmmakers and other creatives as well as writers and researchers who share our enthusiasm for Bahamas film and cinema.

A few months into the project, we were joined by artist-filmmaker Sonal Kantaria, who designed this website and helped us populate it with content on film and cinema culture in The Bahamas. Whether you’re a media professional, a film enthusiast, a researcher, a student, a Bahamas resident, or a temporary visitor keen to know more about Bahamas film culture and heritage, we hope you’ll enjoy the array of blog posts, films, video and audio interviews and toolkits for further research that our site provides. Click on the tabs on our homepage to learn more.

Work on the website was generously funded by the King’s College London Arts and Humanities Institute, and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).